for piano solo 1993 duration: 8' This piece was premiered in the Stephanssaal in Karlsruhe / Germany by André Boainain in 1994. In 1997 in was recorded for radio (Radio Bremen) by Christoph Grund. This piece is dominated by an unceasing chain of chords changing their range from close cluster-like chords up to an ambitus of several octaves. Arpeggiations, that became inevitable after a certain range was exceeded, are thereby constituting a major element in the piece. The motion of the piece is basically in quarter-notes but the chords are often slightly anticipated or deferred, creating a metric diffusion. The arpeggiations are contributing to this diffiusion, since it is left to the player which note of the chord to play on the down-beat. In this piece I tried to develop a floating character by making subtle changes in a persisting texture. It’s extension over a longer time lets a quality emerge, that deflects from the mere impression of loud sequels of chords. Back to Instrumental Music
Performed by Christoph Grund and recorded at Radio Bremen