sound installation for six loudspeakers 2003 Different locations are nested in different sound-environments. When I created this sound installation I was living in a densely populated area in Amsterdam's 'Bos en Lommer'. In my apartment I was at all times of the day surrounded by the typical sounds that can be heard through the walls from my neighbors. Most of them are sounds that are connected to daily lifes as playing children, rumbling washing-machines, lawn-mowers etc.. Since these sounds are originating from the context of private lives, for me they evoke a feeling of intimacy. Sounds of this kind would hardly ever be heard in an official building like a post office, a warehouse or a gallery. By placing the sounds that I recorded in my house in a public space like an art gallery, I am creating a contrast between the character of a location and the sounds that originated from elsewhere. Doing this, I am aiming at bringing in a feeling of intimacy and privacy into the relatively anonymous public building and thereby highlightening it. Back to Installation & Sound Art
View of the facade of the building in Amsterdam where I used to live and where I recorded the sounds for Home.