for live-video, live-electronics and lighting composed in 2013 The visual material of Intersection consists of two video recordings of an intersection in the center of Zürich that were recorded in the Summer of 2012. Both recordings have been taken from exactly the same position, one during daytime, the other during nighttime. This active intersection shows people in transit; as pedestrians, on bicycles, in cars or public transportation. In the piece “Intersection” rapid changes between these two recordings and their color-inverted versions are taking place, creating an illusory impression of the otherwise static image. In a second section, two zoomed-in images of groups of persons form the focus. Here, the visuals are expanded by the additional use of light fixtures. Because of the perspective of the camera, issues of surveillance of public spaces are evoked. This atmosphere is intensified by the use of a chopped up transmission of police radio that has been used as part of the sonic material. Changes of the sonic texture as well as the video images are controlled in real-time by an algorithmic pattern-generator. The police radio transmission is dissected using waveset granulation. The remainder of the electronics is based on conventional synthesis techniques without concrete sonic material. All sound synthesis is programmed in SuperCollider while the processing of the images has been realized with the C++ based programming environment OpenFrameworks. |
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