for soundtrack composed in 2017 duration: 14' Six rooms in an empty house provided the point of departure for this composition. The interconnected architectural spaces serve as points of hearing, referring to the term 'point of audition' or 'point d'écoute' by Michel Chion, which, in the context of the film, is the listening perspective (perspective sonore) that differs from the camera perspective (perspective visual). I try to make the absent visual component audible in this piece by superimposing sound levels, which should convey a spatiality not only in the acoustic but also in the architectural sense. In addition, I use sounds recorded directly and without spatial sound, which have almost haptic qualities. The means that I use in this composition include recordings in the six closed rooms with the ambient sounds penetrating from outside, recordings made at the open window, and controlled recordings of feedbacks, which are characterized by the size and material nature of the respective rooms. In addition, there are various synthesis methods and - as a marking of a virtual space instead of a spatial distance - an anonymous recording of a YouTube channel. The guiding idea is to convey acoustically different distances and indirectly to make a multi-sensory experience accessible by evoking spatial and tactile experience. |