for a roaring pianist and light design composed in 2008 When I started working on this piece I was interested in Heavy Metal and its affinity to ancient cults and occultism. While doing research on this subject-matter on the internet, I discovered that not far from my house in Amsterdam, there is a private library with the world largest collection of hermeneutic and alchemist literature. I went there and read with fascination about the world-view of Middle-Age and Renaissance alchemists. Images that inspired me while working on the music include: the holistic understanding of the universe which is inherently bi-polar, the spiritual aspect of science, the divine aspect of light through stellar constellations, the circular aspect of time, purification of soul and matter through ritual. I am not sharing these beliefs, but I am fascinated by Alchemy because of its complex mixture of science, Christianity and occult beliefs based in Hellenism. It accumulated very diverse aspects of western history and religion and I wonder how much of these ideas still exist today in an altered form. Performed by Ashley Hribar at Muziekcentrum Den Bosch/NL on February 12, 2008 |
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